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A student works on a laptop and smartphone at a coffee shop.

Types of Social Engineering Attacks and Prevention Tips

Social engineering is what’s behind many instances of cybercrime. Explore types of social engineering attacks, and get tips for social engineering prevention.
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Woman thinking about her new career
Job & Career Advice

How to Set Career Goals in the New Year

Rather than waiting for the next calendar year to set goals, explore effective strategies for establishing impactful career goals now and actively pursuing their achievement.
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A team of three information security professionals work on computer devices in a server room.

Information Security vs. Cybersecurity: What's the Difference?

What does it take to protect companies from data breaches? Whether you go into information security or cybersecurity, these skills are in high demand.
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The hands of a cybersecurity analyst type in firewall information on a laptop.

How to Become a Cybersecurity Analyst

Businesses without adequate security are targets for cyberattacks. Discover how to become a cybersecurity analyst, and enter one of today’s hottest fields.
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A cybersecurity analyst uses a laptop.

7 Types of Cybersecurity You Should Know

Because cyber threats come in many forms, so does cybersecurity. Find out about seven types of cybersecurity and the different ways they protect networks.
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Alt text: A programmer reviews code on a desktop monitor.
Job & Career Advice

3 Tech Jobs Without a Degree

Technology is a rare field, as it doesn’t require college credentials to launch a high-paying career. Learn how to break into tech jobs without a degree.
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A cybersecurity professional works on a laptop in a server room.

Cybersecurity Job Demand: The Growing Need for Cyber Professionals

The surge in cybercrime has led to rising cybersecurity job demand. Discover what cybersecurity professionals do and earn, and learn how to become one.
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Coding hero
Learn to Code

Coding vs. Programming: Skill Requirements and Career Opportunities

A comparison of coding vs. programming roles uncovers similarities and differences in skills and career opportunities.
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Woman shakes hand with interviewer
Job & Career Advice

3 Common Barriers to a Successful Career Change–and How to Work Through Them

We’ve compiled a list of the most common barriers to a successful career transition paired with the resources to succeed despite them.
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Woman working at night

10 Tips to Stay Safe Online While Working From Home

You might know the basics when it comes to keeping your personal information private, practicing safe browsing, and making sure your internet connection is secure, but these expert-approved tips will help you take online safety to the next level.
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Person with laptop open on lap and briefcase next to them
Job & Career Advice

4 Ways to Level Up Your LinkedIn Profile

Our Career Success team works round the clock to make sure grads find jobs they love. Today, we're sharing 11 of their tips to enhance your LinkedIn profile.
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